Saturday, May 23, 2015

"Some Day Over The Rainbow...." (Music Symbol)

Saturday 23 May

This morning’s reward for opening one eye at about 6:15 am was a pre-dawn, full rainbow.  I’ve never seen a rainbow before sunrise.  (Probably because I try not to wake up before sunrise, especially when on the road.)  I grabbed the camera and jumped out of the Funmobile to be further rewarded with a VERY cold drizzle down my neck.

If a lucky penny can result in a flat tire, or  a busted Kuerig,
what do you suppose a lucky rainbow can do!

Since it was raining, we took a slow start and topped off with fresh water back at the Park campground. The guy in front of us had one of those 50 foot bus RV’s with what must have been a 100 gallon water tank.  By the time we got our turn, filled up, and made it to the next town it was lunch time.

It was at lunch when I was wining about the crowds we were finding at the park and in town, it dawned on me that this was Memorial day weekend, (which I thought was next weekend).  It was going to be a bear finding a campsite tonight.

Left the lunch place and it was sleeting which promised much fun climbing over the 9,600 pass between where we are and where we wanted to be.  (Jess and Blaine – We drove through 2-Flat-Tires campground for old time’s sake.)  Hit a little sleet up on top, but not bad, then back down to the 5500 ft valley.

The Burr Trail that I mentioned in an earlier blog actually ends near Boulder UT (where we are headed).  The north 30 miles of it is paved so we decide to head down it to find a place to camp, figuring what idiots are willing to drive 30 miles down an effectively dead-end road just to find a campsite.  Well turns out there are lots if idiots (including me) who would do just that.  Most of the dispersed sites were occupied.

Eroded red dirt eroding.

End of pavement.

Hmmm.  Time to turn around.

Yes.  That is my foot.
(Nobody's perfect.)
We got to the end of the paved section, plus a little, (do not go on dirt roads around here in the rain), and turned around with hopes the reverse route would reveal something missed on the way in.  We did find a empty site and despite the slightly mushy ground, we set up or the night.  We’ll see just how lucky that rainbow was.  Better than the lucky pennies Val continues to pick up every few days or so I hope.

Good night from 10 miles down the Burr Trail.

Brad and Val

PS - Despite my "occasional" grumbling about this-that-or the other thing, be assured that I'm having the retirement trip I've always dreamed of and am mentally planning a rerun.  (Don't tell Val yet.)

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