Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ho Hum

Tuesday 26 May 2015 

Nothing special happening today.  Took a nice hike in red rock (aka eroded dirt) country of Kodachrome Basin SP.  Started off a little on the cool side with scattered clouds.   Trail moist, but not sloppy from yesterday’s downpour.  Good hiking weather. 

Basically no one on the trail but a couple of mountain bikers.  Guy in the lead happily cruising down the hill into the dry (not) wash yelling back disapprovingly to the trailing girl,   “Don’t dismount, it’s not that muddy.”  Girl dismounting, obviously struggling on the steep trail and staring daggers at the guy’s back.  This is a relationship doomed to be a short one.  (Met her again about 10 minutes later, returning to the trailhead, alone and none too happy looking.  Never saw him again.  Even shorter relationship than expected?)

Clouding up after a couple of hours.  One storm cell in the distance to the SW and pouring out rain.  CBDR (an old sailor’s term meaning constant bearing - decreasing range, and also meaning imminent collision unless somebody changes course).

The trail ends at “Cool Cave” where we plan to wait out the storm and eat lunch.  Except the last 100 feet is up a deep wash, which if it fills with water, we could be spending the night in the cave.  Not the end of the world, but not my first choice either.

Turn around and head back in what turns out to be a fairly gentle rain but boomers nearby.

A little rain is fun as long as you're dressed for it.
 Spent about an hour cleaning that "eroded red dirt" off our boots.

Back at camp after a trip into “town” to do some laundry and check out the grocery store.  Val, not happy with the food selections, questions, “What do people eat around  here???”

Good night again from Kodachrome SP campground.

Brad and Val

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