Monday, May 11, 2015

In Search Of The Lost City Of Cibola

Monday 11 May

Up at the crack of dawn (literallly).

6 am view out the bedroom window.
(Just to prove I can do it.)

6:05 am view
 I won't show you the 7 am, 8 am, and 9 am versions.

We didn't camp at the base of this one for obvious reasons.
 As I mentioned in the pre-trip post, I spent a LOT of time searching out obscure sights with a focus on un-advertised ruins and rock art.  Today is the first test of a cross-country hike to look for ruins in the canyon country of south Utah.  It was shown simply as a dot on an old map labeled "Ruins".

We got as close as we could by "road".

Ready to head out.

Down the first side wash that looks like
it will take us to the bottom of the main one. 

ANOTHER alien life form.
(Young ones I think.  Don't lean over them too close.)

Hmm... That looks promising.

Of course it was on the other side of the canyon.

Close as you could get without risking life and limb.

From here, if you looked back across, and further up the canyon you could make out (barely) a rock art panel.  Disappointed a not reaching the ruins, we're bound and determined to get to the panel.

Back down into the wash which is severely choked with Salt Cedar
(That's Val in Salt Cedar camouflage.)
((You can almost see the friendly smile.))
Its shady, I'm hungry, and I'm eatin' lunch RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW!

OK.  Now we can look at ancient graffiti.

No STUPID, its NOT a bulls eye.
Maybe it makes more sense if you look at it sideways.
Is this the ONLY way down??

Just around the next bend.

And up the next wash...I promise.

WAIT..WAIT!!  I'm on the wrong side of the gate.
 A stop at our favorite Trading Post that was closed yesterday.  And we got out without spending a dime!

Well, not quite true.  We did get desert at the attached cafe.  I got peaches and cream baked in sweet fry bread, topped with vanilla ice cream and whip cream.  (I think I'll need to throw up later.)

A long telephoto of the mountains to the north.
 I think we'll hang out down here in the south a bit longer.
Well, we backtracked to the same campsite as last night.  Hoping for a 5 am shot tomorrow.  :)

Good night from Valley of the Gods again.

Brad and Val


  1. I'm pretty sure Ansel Adams took his pictures that way. The cliffhouse with the flowers in front is beautiful. And yeah, stay out of those snowy mountains.

  2. Yum! I think I need to meet up with you just for dessert : P
