Wednesday, May 6, 2015

East Bound and Down, Loaded Up and Truckin' -(music sign, music sign)

Wednesday 6 May

With some reluctance, we pulled out of Zion this morning to begin Part III of the trip, the aimless wander.  Anybody looking at the tracking map would figure that the whole trip so far looked pretty aimless… but they would be incorrect, as it was meticulously planned and executed day-by-day, (snicker).

First stop today was Hurricane UT which contains scenic Walmart, where I hoped to get a replacement camera and for a cooler that was stolen from our camp site in Sedona.  (Another victum of the “Lucky Penny”).  Now I know it’s politically incorrect, but I also know people secretly snicker about some of the denizens that populate our beloved Darien Walmart.  I have now come to the conclusion that Walmart is not the problem, its DARIEN.  Almost everyone at the Hurricane Walmart fit the classic bell-curve of normal looking people, (that is, people who look like me).

After replacing the lost goods, we decided to back track 40 miles or so to Zion, so we could take the back way out of the park.  We’d been on that road 30-some years ago and I remember it being pretty nice.  In addition to the really nice slick-rock country, Val spotted some Big Horn sheep.  No place to pull over, so no pics.

On second thought,  "LEAVE ME - LEAVE ME"

Arrived at White House CG (Barack wasn’t home) about 4:30 and took a late afternoon walk.

View from the illegal camp site.

Giant alien mushroom.
(Or maybe a miniature sand-worm. Walk lightly.
After setting up for the evening I went over to read the various signs, the prominent one being “TENTS ONLY”.  This tiny CG is at the end of a bumpy dirt road a couple of miles out in the desert.  Now normally I’m a stickler for following the rules however inconvenient they may be.  But there are only a couple of campers here, and the road is bumpy, and it’s getting dark…..sooooooo.

I expect to get a rude knock on the door in the morning.

Good Night from the White House.

Brad and Val

Addendum - 5 am - awake all night feeling guilty and moved down the road and went back to sleep.

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