Saturday, May 16, 2015

Rain Day

Saturday 16 May 2015

Woke up this morning to a rainy cool day with the forecast calling for more of the same all day long.  We decided that rather than just hang out all day, we’d move out of Hovenweep in search of a campground with showers, water fill-up and holding tank dump.  Then we’d be all prepared for the next leg which will be none of the foregoing for 2-4 days.

Long story short, we ended up at Mesa Verde National Park where we have not been for about 30 years.  The good news is that around 6:30, the weather cleared and we were treated to an empty park with a beautiful sunset from the 8,000 foot summit of the park.

The bad news was that to get to that point we had to go through a short but intense blizzard as we climbed (in the Funmobile) into the park, (which probably why the park is empty).  The further bad news was that if it was snowing at 5 pm, how cold was it likely to get over night?  It’s now about 10 pm and its 32 degrees.  I drained the water tanks and did other preps in hopes of avoiding a freeze-up.  Fingers crossed again.

The last news is the good news that we have a power hookup so we can run the electric heater tonight.  By tomorrow a clearing spell is forecasted and we will be dropping to a lower elevation and some warmer weather.


No - it's NOT a diorama.

I can't remember which way is up.

Good night from Mesa Verde.

Brad and Val


  1. Ha. Took me a second to figure out the upside down photo. Escher must've lived there.

  2. Ha. Took me a second to figure out the upside down photo. Escher must've lived there.
