Friday, May 1, 2015

My Lucky Day

1 May 20215

Got a late start (10am) this morning for a travel day north towards Zion.

Climb-out from Oak Creek Canyon is about 1,000 feet
in 2/3 of a mile.
Thought this was the hot arid Arizona desert!

Took a side trip through Sunset Crater and Wupatki (again, not Polish) National Monument

Someone told us he (/she - didn't check) was lurking around in the ruins,
and of course we found him/her. 

Just another pretty craggy mountain.

Now about that lucky penny from yesterday....  Val actually found it and gave it to me.  That's called "paying it forward", from the movie of the same name.)  Now, being somewhat frugal, I would normally just put it in my pocket to give to my broker when we get back.  However, in the spirit of NOT breaking the chain of good fortune, towards the end of the hike, I put the penny back on a rock in the middle of the trail or the next fellow traveler to find and ...etc. etc. etc., so we would all have good luck.

Well, as luck would have it, by the end of the today, my laptop started acting up, my WIFI hotspot went "cold", and my right rear tire was at 32 psi instead of 80 where it's supposed to be.  I would have turned around and gone back for the penny, but... I had a flat tire.  More on that subject tomorrow.

Good night from Lee's Ferry Campground,  Marble Canyon AZ

Brad and Val

1 comment:

  1. That's a really good picture of a snake. Maybe too good. I like the ones where I can only see the tip of the tail as it flees.
