Friday, May 8, 2015

Slacker Day

Friday 8 May

Last night's weather forecast for today was for 70% chance of rain.  So I didn't even open my eyes until somebody started elbowing me, whining that she was hungry.  (I'm the breakfast "cook".)

If it rains around here, all activities are limited to whatever you can get to by paved highway. The only plan was a couple of short hikes (1-2 miles each), the 1st of which we didn't even start till almost noon.  The clouds were gathering, but no rain yet so off we went to look for hoodoos.  They were supposedly only 3/4 mile back up a dry wash, be we have a knack for turning even the shortest hike/walk into a several hour excursion, (which we did this time).

Through the livestock maze.

Good selection of desert flowers.

And a few more alien life forms.

How-De-Do HooDoo

"Do NOT pick that up!!
(She did anyway.)

Eroded dirt.  My favorite landscape.

By the end of the walk, the wind was gusting to 30-40 mph and you could see the approaching thunderstorm coming over the next ridge.  That pretty much shot the rest of the day, so headed to Page AZ with plans of laundry, restocking food and a propane fill up.

On the way we passed "Lone Rock" surrounded by what's left of Lake Powell.  You can see how far down the water level is based on the bathtub ring around the rock.

We're overnighting at Wahweap campground on Lake Powell and Val is at the camp laundry for the past 3 hours.  (Mothers Day isn't until tomorrow... I think.)  Just in case, I'm cooking tonight.

Good night from Wahweap AZ.

Brad and Val.

PS - Val just got back from the laundry and getting disoriented in the dark campground, in the pouring rain.  Perhaps I'll cook tomorrow night as well.  I would'a taken a picture, but that would have been pushing my luck.


  1. You could rent a power boat and go run around Lake Powell for a day. Heck, maybe they have barges you could just drive the FunMobile onto for an impromptu houseboat.

    P.S. Somehow I zoomed in weird on the map and your trail glitched for a second and showed me you were in Antarctica 0_o

  2. We told everyone that our plan was flexible. We stopped there briefly be prefer warmer weather.
