Sunday, May 24, 2015

"It's A Wonderful Day In the Neighborhood" (Music symbol)

Sunday 24 May 2015 

Another good start to the day as I went out to find that we had NOT sunk (sank?) up to our axils in the by now infamous Utah red clay/mud.  The four inch thick plastic leveling blocks however, did sink under the weight of the 10,000 lb Funmobile.  So the morning fun was to dig them out.  The sky is mostly bright blue, and what clouds there are, are the puffy friendly kind.

Back tracking the remaining 10 miles of the Burr Trail into Boulder and then on to Calf Creek Falls Campground and trailhead.  This is a REALLY popular hike in the area so on a Memorial Day we expect a full parking lot.

Calf Creek Canyon from the road in.

On the way through the campground to the trail, we spot one VACANT campsite!  We cash in the lucky rainbow chip and guarantee a place to sleep tonight.  Then off to the trail for the rest of the day.

SHE made me so it again.
Woulda been her fault if I got scorpion or snake bit.

Ghost Dancers?

Trout in Calf Creek
(No calves though)

Almost there.

An EXCELLENT triple drop waterfall.

If you think I'm wading through that COLD water, you're nuts.
Apparently the lucky rainbow had enough left over change to grant us excellent hiking weather for the whole hike.  So we are back in the Funmobile just as a cloud rolls in and rains for the rest of the evening.

Good night from a good day at Calf Creek Falls and Campground.

Brad And Val

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