Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mothers Day In the Desert

Sunday 10 May

Breakfast in bed and a stolen desert daisy.  (Of course she always gets breakfast in bed anyway.)  Not a bad Mothers Day.

It did drop below freezing overnight.  That's always a little worrying because the water lines are not freeze protected.  It appears it wasn't low enough or long enough to do any damage. However it WAS cold enough this morning to warrant crawling back under the covers for an extra hour (or two).

Todays route took us through Monument Valley with a 10 mile side trip to Ojeto Trading Post.  Turns out to be a dusty little Navajo settlement with very few people around.  We waved down a passing car and were told that the Trading Post was just up the road a ways, but closed a long time ago.  Oh well, it was a pretty ride anyway.

The road to Ojeto Trading Post

Monument Valley

Mexican Hat
(Outside town of same name.)
((Sorry about the power lines.))

Looks like a sand painting.

Next stop Bluff UT, home of Twin Rocks Trading Post.  This Post is run by a family with long ties to the area.  We first found it on the 80's trip and bought our first Navajo rug.  Since then I have "mail" ordered several broaches for Val over the years.  It was about 20 miles out of the way, and closed on Sundays, but again, a pretty ride.

Backtrack the 20 miles to our stop for the night.  The Valley of the Gods is a 17 mile dirt loop road through a mini-Monument Valley just north of Mexican Hat.  We've been here before back in the 90's but just did a drive through.  "Dispersed" camping, (no services), is permitted and there are numerous places to just pull off and stake claim to your own couple of hundred acres with a view.

Should I come back for her or make her walk?
Aw heck... It's Mothers Day

Our patch of desert.

The inevitable evening walk.

Sunset view from the bedroom window.

So here we are, settled in for the (much warmer) night.

Good night from Valley of the Gods Utah

Brad and Val.


  1. Cold enough to sleep in sounds fabulous, but I'm glad there was no freeze up. And what a great bedtime view. Having all that springtime green really makes the reds and blues pop.

  2. Just love that view of Monument Valley! And not a single "neighbor" in sight at your campground. Nice!
