Friday, May 22, 2015

Whoooaaa! Time Warp!

Note - Although prepared and dated 22 May, (the last date we had an internet connection), I'm actually posting today the 27th.  The good news for me is that I will be able to keep track of where we were and when.  The good news for the reader is that I probably (though no promises) won't blather on as much as I try to actually catch up.


 Friday 22 May 2015

Got up “early” to backtrack to Hanksville from Goblin Valley.  Woulda’ stayed for some of what looked to be good hiking possibilities, but its Friday and getting tonight’s campsite at Capital Reef will be a challenge at best.

Last Night's Campsite
(A little short on services, but a great view.)

The view is decent, but no place to set up for quilting.
And it would be impossible to keep the floors clean.

Arrived at Capital Reef and sure enough, by 10:30 am, the campground was already full.  No Plan B, so we’ll just go take a hike and figure it out later.  The hike is Called Grand wash and runs 3 miles or so down a (currently) dry canyon.  Sky is full of puffy white clouds so no immediate rain likelihood.

Guy at trailhead "4-wheeling" in slick-rock country.
Something for everyone.

Tourist!  Etchhhh.

That little spec on the trail next to the big rock is Val

Hope it stays up there til we get through.

Makes you feel a little insignificant.

Really nice hike through the canyon and even though clouds were thickening for the return trip, there a plenty of routes to high ground.  In the worst case, you might spend a few hours for the water to recede, or even an overnight.  No matter how short the hike, I plan for an overnight.  It means hauling around way too much water and clothing layers, and granola bars, but lugging a pack is good exercise I suppose.

Anyway, the CG was still full on the way out so we located a nice dispersed site about 20 miles away.

So good night from N38.1655°, W111.0901° (Cottonwood Wash)

Brad and Val

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to get any sense of scale on those rocks. And then you realize, yup, you ARE that small. Good idea to bring all the extra stuff. That almost guarantees (knock on wood) that you never need it.
