Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

Monday 25 May 2015  -  

First of all we wish everyone a wonderful Memorial Day.  Although a serious day of rembrance, it is also a day for families to step back from the craziness of day-to-day career-making and home-making and enjoy just being family.  Since we’ve been off the grid since last Thursday, no one is likely to get this message for a few more days.  But wishing you a good day never-the-less. Wish our family was with us to enjoy this experience.

Since we’ve had nothing BUT good days recently, we were overdue for a “crisis”.  Second only to my coffee maker, the most important piece of technology is the route planning software I used to pin-point all of the interesting, off the beaten track, places to visit.  Well it crashed last night!  For me, that’s like driving with a paper bag over my head.  (Ignoring that I still have 5 other GPS capable devices.  They know where I am, but not where I want to go.)  Working on a solution to that issue.

Today’s route took us across more “slick-rock” country to Escalante UT and then down to Kodachrome Basin State Park.  It was here that we encountered another one of those intense SW afternoon thunderstorms with really heavy hail.  Fortunately we had not gone out for an afternoon hike so we just watched the mini-flash flood running down both sides of the funmobile while the hail accumulated.  Good fun.

And the sun comes out for a short walk on the nature trail.
And the cactus are liking the moisture.

We're tucked in for two nights and will hopefully hike tomorrow if it dries out a little bit.

Good night from Kodachrome SP UT

Brad and Val

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